A Life-changing experience.
TM Camp
TM Camps are more than a conference, more than a convention, it is an encounter with God that transforms lives across the world.
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Select the camp you are most interested in. The Word of God is rich, applicable, and life changing. From the youngest to the oldest, there is something for everyone.
"TM Camp 2022 was a POWERFUL, life-changing experience! A deaf person received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues Tuesday night. The Holy Ghost is a gift for EVERYONE, and God is still changing lives! In total, 37 were filled with the Holy Ghost and 13 were baptized in Jesus name this week and many more were healed, delivered, and made free! There is nothing too hard for God! 🤟🏽🔥🤍"

"Sooooo, for the last three nights, I was blessed to attend TM Pastors and Leadership Camp! Whoa! If you enjoy TM Youth Camp as an adult, go ahead on now and save some money from that income tax return for PAL 2021 because you will love it!!! At the other camps, we pour into others, whereas at PAL you are being poured into! Like overflowing, pressed down, shaken together poured into. I could only make it to the night services, but the goal is to make attend all of it next year! The presence of God was there and the preaching...my Lord! The theme this year was "Strengthen". The word was in front of us on the projector screen, on the sides on the basketball goal, in the back, on our backs of the back pack, the programs, our necks-on the badges, on our knees from the knee pads for praying, even on the pens we wrote with- it seemed like every where we turned, there was the word, "Strengthen". My Lord...strength was everywhere- not just in the natural but also in the spiritual. The scripture says that God is our refuge and strength. Felt a little tired and worn out when I went in, but God gave me new strength by the time I came out! Totally immersed in the strength of God! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Pastor Harris and Sis. Harris and her staff- I pray the Lord blesses you abundantly! "

"Just got off the phone with our youth and Lady Valerie Miller who were loudly singing "I'm an overcomer" coming back from a weekend away at TM Children's Camp has my spirit hyped! The stories of Brennan slain in the corner, Avia shouting and speaking in tongues for long periods, to Dorian being filled with the Holy Ghost for the first time, to J-Mo and Ariane going hard after God! The Lord has truly blessed BT-SE this weekend."

"My two daughters went to camp this summer. It was worth it!!!Although they fasted involuntary due to them not liking the food( I think they're spoiled) one got a huge breakthrough the other made some friends. They learned how to pray for themselves. They learned to love it. We have monthly family prayer, but I think we need more, just to help them maintain. I applaud you guys for what you are doing. May God continue to bless TM Camp."

What TM Campers Say About Their experience
We have seen God heal the sick, strengthen the weak, deliver people from mental and emotional wounds, mend broken families, give peace, give hope, save souls, provide, and much more! When you walk through the doors of our services the power and presence of God is there! The Word of God is rich, applicable, and life changing. From the youngest to the oldest, there is something for everyone.
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